USD: $0.00 BTC: 0.00000015 Market Cap: $58,136.72 USD Supply: 39,811,844 PASC 1 Hr: 0.89% 1 Day: 0.10% 7 Days: -0.10%

JSON RPC documentation

JSON RPC API Specification & Guideline

This page provides full documentation for the PascalCoin JSON-RPC API.

NOTE: There is a full C# wrapper for this API called NPascalCoin suitable for mobile and enterprise integrations.


JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It can represent numbers, strings, ordered sequences of values, and collections of name/value pairs. JSON-RPC is a stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. Primarily this specification defines several data structures and the rules around their processing. It is transport agnostic in that the concepts can be used within the same process, over sockets, over HTTP, or in many various message passing environments. It uses JSON (RFC 4627) as data format.


In order to work properly with Pascal Coin, you must follow these instructions:

JSON RPC Standard 2.0

PascalCoin uses (by default) the pure JSON RPC 2.0 standard

This means that:

  • Every call MUST include 3 params: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "XXX", "id": YYY}
    • jsonrpc : String value = "2.0"
    • method : String value, name of the method to call
    • id : Integer value
  • Optionally can contain another param called "params" holding an object. Inside we will include params to send to the method
    • {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "XXX", "id": YYY, "params":{"p1":" ","p2":" "}}
  • If JSON is not JSON RPC Standard 2.0 compliant, it will be rejected without a response.
  • If JSON does not have a valid "id" value it will not be processed and rejected without a response.


All calls will be using HTTP protocol (HTTP 1.1) and passing JSON calls by POST at port 4003

  • Protocol: HTTP v1.1
  • Port: 4003
  • Http method: POST


// Request to server at localhost. Method "getblockcount" (Returns block count of the PascalCoin network)
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getblockcount","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": 26724

Data Types

RPC Calls could include/return these data types:

  • Integers, strings, boolean (true or false) or null
  • HEXASTRING: String that contains an hexadecimal value (ex. "4423A39C"). An hexadecimal string is always an even character length.
  • PASCURRENCY: Pascal Coin currency is a maximum 4 decimal number (ex. 12.1234). Decimal separator is a "." (dot)
  • JSON "specific" Objects: List of some objects returned by RPC calls and used for many methods: (See each method to know which object returns)

Account Object

An "Account object" is a JSON object with information about an account. Fields are:

  • account : Integer - Account number
  • enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Encoded public key value (See decodepubkey)
  • balance : PASCURRENCY - Account balance
  • n_operation : Integer - Operations made by this account _(Note: When an account receives a transaction, n_operation is not changed)_
  • updated_b Integer - Last block that updated this account. If equal to blockchain blocks count it means that it has pending operations to be included to the blockchain.
  • state : String - Values can be normal or listed. When listed then account is for sale
  • locked_until_block : Integer - Until what block this account is locked. Only set if state is listed
  • price : PASCURRENCY - Price of account. Only set if state is listed
  • seller_account : Integer - Seller's account number. Only set if state is listed
  • private_sale : Boolean - Whether sale is private. Only set if state is listed
  • new_enc_pubkey : HEXSTRING - Private buyers public key. Only set if state is listed and private_sale is true
  • name : String - Public name of account. Follows PascalCoin64 Encoding
  • type : Integer - Type of account. Valid values range from 0..65535

Block Object

A "Block object" is a JSON object with information about a Blockchain's block. Fields are:

  • block : Integer - Block number
  • enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Encoded public key value used to init 5 created accounts of this block (See decodepubkey )
  • reward : PASCURRENCY - Reward of first account's block
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee obtained by operations
  • ver : Integer - Pascal Coin protocol used
  • ver_a : Integer - Pascal Coin protocol available by the miner
  • timestamp : Integer - Unix timestamp
  • target : Integer - Target used
  • nonce : Integer - Nonce used
  • payload : String - Miner's payload
  • sbh : HEXASTRING - SafeBox Hash
  • oph : HEXASTRING - Operations hash
  • pow : HEXASTRING - Proof of work
  • operations : Integer - Number of operations included in this block
  • hashratekhs : Integer - Estimated network hashrate calculated by previous 50 blocks average
  • maturation : Integer - Number of blocks in the blockchain higher than this

Operation Object

Please note: Operation object has changed from V2 to V3, please read migration procedure:

An "Operation object" is a JSON object with information about an operation. Fields are:

  • valid : Boolean (optional) - If operation is invalid, value=false
  • errors : String (optional) - If operation is invalid, an error description
  • block : Integer - Block number (only when valid)
  • time : Integer - Block timestamp (only when valid)
  • opblock : Integer - Operation index inside a block (0..operations-1). Note: If opblock=-1 means that is a blockchain reward (only when valid)
  • maturation : Integer - Return null when operation is not included on a blockchain yet, 0 means that is included in highest block and so on...
  • optype : Integer - Operation type. can be:
    • 0 = Blockchain reward
    • 1 = Transaction
    • 2 = Change key
    • 3 = Recover founds (lost keys)
    • 4 = List account for sale
    • 5 = Delist account (not for sale)
    • 6 = Buy account
    • 7 = Change key (signed by another account)
    • 8 = Change account info
    • 9 = Multioperation ( New on Build 3.0 )
  • account : Integer - Account affected by this operation. Note: A transaction has 2 affected accounts.
  • optxt : String - Human readable operation type
  • amount : PASCURRENCY - Amount of coins transferred from sender_account to dest_account (Only apply when optype=1)
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of this operation
  • balance : PASCURRENCY - Balance of account after this block is introduced in the Blockchain
    • Note: balance is a calculation based on current safebox account balance and previous operations, it's only returned on pending operations and account operations
  • sender_account : Integer - Sender account in a transaction (only when optype = 1) DEPRECATED, use senders array instead
  • dest_account : Integer - Destination account in a transaction (only when optype = 1) DEPRECATED, use receivers array instead
  • enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Encoded public key in a change key operation (only when optype = 2). See decodepubkey DEPRECATED, use changers array instead
  • ophash : HEXASTRING - Operation hash used to find this operation in the blockchain
  • old_ophash : HEXSTRING - Operation hash as calculated prior to V2. Will only be populated for blocks prior to V2 activation. DEPRECATED
  • subtype : String - Associated with optype param, can be used to discriminate from the point of view of operation (sender/receiver/buyer/seller ...)
  • signer_account : Integer - Will return the account that signed (and payed fee) for this operation. Not used when is a Multioperation (optype = 9)
  • enc_pubkey : HEXSTRING - Will return both change key and the private sale public key value DEPRECATED, use changers array instead
  • senders : ARRAY of objects with senders, for example in a transaction (optype = 1) or multioperation senders (optype = 9)
    • account : Sending Account
    • n_operation
    • amount : PASCURRENCY - In negative value, due it's outgoing from "account"
    • payload : HEXASTRING
  • receivers : ARRAY of objects - When is a transaction or multioperation, this array contains each receiver
    • account : Receiving Account
    • amount : PASCURRENCY - In positive value, due it's incoming from a sender to "account"
    • payload : HEXASTRING
  • changers : ARRAY of objects - When accounts changed state
    • account : changing Account
    • n_operation
    • new_enc_pubkey : If public key is changed or when is listed for a private sale
    • new_name : If name is changed
    • new_type : If type is changed
    • seller_account : If is listed for sale (public or private) will show seller account
    • account_price : PASCURRENCY - If is listed for sale (public or private) will show account price
    • locked_until_block : If is listed for private sale will show block locked
    • fee : PASCURRENCY - In negative value, due it's outgoing from "account"

Multioperation Object

A "Multioperation object" is a JSON object with information about a multioperation. Fields are:

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING - Single multioperation in RAW format
  • senders: ARRAY of JSON Objects, each object with fields:
    • account : Sending Account
    • n_operation: Integer
    • amount : In negative value, due it's outgoing from "account"
    • payload : HEXASTRING
  • receivers: ARRAY of JSON Objects, each object with fields:
    • account : Receiving Account
    • amount : In positive value, due it's incoming from a sender to "account"
    • payload : HEXASTRING
  • changers : ARRAY of JSON Objects, each object with fields:
    • account : changing Account
    • n_operation
    • new_enc_pubkey : If public key is changed
    • new_name : If name is changed
    • new_type : If type is changed
  • amount : PASCURRENCY Amount received by receivers
  • fee : PASCURRENCY Equal to "total send" - "total received"
  • digest : HEXASTRING value of the digest that must be signed
  • signed_count : Integer with info about how many accounts are signed. Does not check if signature is valid for a multioperation not included in blockchain
  • not_signed_count : Integer with info about how many accounts are pending to be signed
  • signed_can_execute : Boolean. True if everybody signed. Does not check if MultiOperation is well formed or can be added to Network because is an offline call

Connection Object

A "Connection object" is a JSON object with a connection to other node information

  • server : Boolean - True if this connection is to a server node. False if this connection is a client node
  • ip : String
  • port : Integer
  • secs : Integer - seconds of live of this connection
  • sent : Integer - Bytes sent
  • recv : Integer - Bytes received
  • appver : String - Other node App version
  • netvar : Integer - Net protocol of other node
  • netvar_a : Integer - Net protocol available of other node
  • timediff : Integer - Net timediff of other node (vs wallet)

Public Key Object

A "Public Key object" is a JSON object with information about a public key.

  • name : String - Human readable name stored at the Wallet for this key
  • can_use : Boolean - If false then Wallet doesn't have Private key for this public key, so, Wallet cannot execute operations with this key
  • enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Encoded value of this public key. This HEXASTRING has no checksum, so, if using it always must be sure that value is correct
  • b58_pubkey : String - Encoded value of this public key in Base 58 format, also contains a checksum. This is the same value that Application Wallet exports as a public key
  • ec_nid : Integer - Indicates which EC type is used:
    • 714 = secp256k1
    • 715 = secp384r1
    • 729 = secp283k1
    • 716 = secp521r1
  • x : HEXASTRING with x value of public key
  • y : HEXASTRING with y value of public key

Raw Operations Object

A "Raw operations object" is a JSON object with information about a signed operation made by "signsendto" or "signchangekey"

  • operations : Integer - Count how many operations has rawoperations param
  • amount : PASCURRENCY - Total amount
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Total fee
  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING - This is the operations in raw format

PascalCoin64 Encoding

Available characters include:


First character cannot start with number and limtied to subset:


Account names encoded in PascalCoin64 must be 3..64 chars length

Error codes

JSON-RPC Error codes will be in a JSON-Object in this format:

  • code : Integer - Error code
  • message : String - Human readable error description

List of usual error codes

  • 100 - Internal error
  • 1001 - Method not found
  • 1002 - Invalid account
  • 1003 - Invalid block
  • 1004 - Invalid operation
  • 1005 - Invalid public key
  • 1010 - Not found
  • 1015 - Wallet is password protected
  • 1016 - Invalid data

Application Programming Interface

All calls will be using http transport protocol and JSON will be passed by POST.

JSON-RPC methods list


Add nodes to connect

  • nodes String containing 1 or multiple IP:port separated by ";"
Result (Intger)

Returns an integer with nodes added

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"addnode","params":{"nodes":";"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": 2


Returns a JSON Object with account information including pending operations not included in blockchain yet, but affecting this account.
Tip: _To know if there are pending operations, must look at updated_b param. It tells last block that modified this account. If this number is equal to blockchain blocks then this account is affected by pending operations (send/receive or change key)_

  • account Cardinal containing account number
Result (JSON Object)

Result is an Account Object

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getaccount","params":{"account":1920},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": {


Returns a JSON array with all wallet accounts.

  • enc_pubkey HEXASTRING (optional). If provided, return only accounts of this public key
  • b58_pubkey String (optional). If provided, return only accounts of this public key
    • Note: If use enc_pubkey and b58_pubkey together and is not the same public key, will return an error
  • start Integer (optional, default = 0). If provided, will return wallet accounts starting at this position (index starts at position 0)
  • max Integer (optional, default = 100). If provided, will return max accounts. If not provided, max=100 by default
Result (JSON Array)

Each JSON array item contains an Account Object

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getwalletaccounts","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": [{


Get number of available wallet accounts (total or filtered by public key)

  • enc_pubkey HEXASTRING (optional). If provided, count only accounts of this public key
  • b58_pubkey String (optional). If provided, return only accounts of this public key
    • Note: If use enc_pubkey and b58_pubkey together and is not the same public key, will return an error
  • start Integer (optional, default = 0). If provided, will return wallet accounts starting at this position (index starts at position 0)
  • max Integer (optional, default = 100). If provided, will return max accounts. If not provided, max=100 by default
Result (integer)

Returns an integer with total

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getwalletaccountscount","id":123,"params":{"enc_pubkey":"CA0220009D92DFA1D6F8B2CAE31194EE5433EE4AD457AE145C1C67E49A9196EE58A45B9F200046EAF20C0A26A80A7693E71C0222313A0187AFCA838209FF86FB740A4FFF7F0B"}}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": 2


Returns a JSON Array with all pubkeys of the Wallet (address)

  • start Integer (optional, default = 0). If provided, will return wallet public keys starting at this position (index starts at position 0)
  • max Integer (optional, default = 100). If provided, will return max public keys. If not provided, max=100 by default

Returns a JSON Array with "Public Key Object"

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getwalletpubkeys","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": [{
     "name":"My key",
     "name":"My key 2",


Returns a JSON Object with a public key if found in the Wallet

  • enc_pubkey HEXASTRING
  • b58_pubkey String
    • Note: If use enc_pubkey and b58_pubkey together and is not the same public key, will return an error

Returns a JSON Object with a "Public Key Object"


Returns coins balance.

  • enc_pubkey HEXASTRING (optional). If provided, return only this public key balance
  • b58_pubkey String (optional). If provided, return only this public key balance
    • Note: If use enc_pubkey and b58_pubkey together and is not the same public key, will return an error

Returns a PASCURRENCY value with maximum 4 decimals

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getwalletcoins","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": 29625.9041


Returns a JSON Object with a block information

  • block : Integer - Block number (0..blocks count-1)

Returns a JSON Object with a "Block Object"

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getblock","params":{"block":8888},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": {
  "payload":"New Node 9/4/2016 10:10:13 PM - Pascal Coin Miner & Explorer Build:",


Returns a JSON Array with blocks information from "start" to "end" (or "last" n blocks) Blocks are returned in DESCENDING order See getblock

  • last : Integer - Last n blocks in the blockchain (n>0 and n<=1000)
  • start : Integer
  • end : Integers Note: Must use param last alone, or start and end


Returns an Integer with blockcount of node

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getblockcount","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": 26724


Returns a JSON Object with an operation inside a block

  • block : Integer - Block number
  • opblock : Integer - Operation (0..operations-1) of this block

Returns a JSON Object with a "Operation Object"

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getblockoperation","params":{"block":8888,"opblock":0},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": {
  "optxt":"Transaction Sent to 40511-95",


Returns a JSON Array with all operations of specified block Operations are returned in DESCENDING order

  • block : Integer - Block number
  • start Integer (optional, default = 0). If provided, will start at this position (index starts at position 0)
  • max Integer (optional, default = 100). If provided, will return max registers. If not provided, max=100 by default

Returns a JSON Array with "Operation Object" items

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getblockoperations","params":{"block":8888},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": [{
  "optxt":"Transaction Sent to 40511-95",


Return a JSON Array with "Operation Object" items. Operations made over an account Operations are returned in DESCENDING order

  • account : Integer - Account number (0..accounts count-1)
  • depth : Integer - (Optional, default value 100) Depth to search on blocks where this account has been affected. Allowed to use deep as a param name too.
  • start Integer (optional, default = 0). If provided, will start at this position (index starts at position 0). If start is -1, then will include pending operations, otherwise only operations included on the blockchain
  • max Integer (optional, default = 100). If provided, will return max registers. If not provided, max=100 by default

Returns an array holding operations made over account in "Operation Object" format

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getaccountoperations","params":{"account":101740},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": [
  "optype":1, // Note: This is a transaction
  "optxt":"Transaction Received from 103844-87",
  "amount":20000,  // Note: This is an incoming transaction, so "amount" is a positive number
  "optype":2,  // Note: This is a change key operation
  "optxt":"Change Key to secp256k1",
  // This is the new public key due to change key operation
  "optxt":"Transaction Sent to 63553-29",
  "amount":-100, // Note: This is an outgoing transaction, so "amount" is a negative number
  "dest_account":63553, // Note: Dest account is the receiver
  "opblock":-1, // Note: This is a blockchain reward. No operation number included (-1)
  "optype":0,   // optype = 0 = Blockhain reward
  "optxt":"Blockchain reward",
  "ophash":"" // Note: A blockchain reward has no ophash operation


Return a JSON Array with "Operation Object" items with operations pending to be included at the Blockchain.

  • start : Integer (optional) - Default value 0
  • max : Integer (optional) - Default value 100, use 0=All

Returns an array holding pending operations in "Operation Object" format

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getpendings","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": []  // Note: None pending = empty array


Return pending opertions count


Return a JSON Object in "Operation Object" format.

  • ophash : HEXASTRING - Value ophash received on an operation

Returns "Operation Object" format JSON object

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"findoperation","params":{"ophash":"075300006C8D0100010000003536463332393641383335344236323945464536"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": {
  "optxt":"Transaction Sent to 63553-29",
  "dest_account":63553, // Note: Dest account is the receiver


Find accounts by name/type and returns them as an array of "Account Object"

  • name : String - If has value, will return the account that match name
  • type : Integer - If has value, will return accounts with same type
  • start : Integer - Start account (by default, 0) - NOTE: Is the "start account number", when executing multiple calls you must set start value to the latest returned account number + 1 (Except if searching by public key, see below)
  • max : Integer - Max of accounts returned in array (by default, 100)
  • name : String - If has value, will return the account matching this name
  • exact : Boolean (True by default) - If False and name has value will return accounts containing name value in it's name (multiple accounts can match)
  • min_balance,max_balance : PASCURRENCY - If have value, will filter by current account balance
  • enc_pubkey or b58_pubkey : HEXASTRING or String - Will return accounts with this public key. NOTE: When searching by public key the start param value is the position of indexed public keys list instead of accounts numbers

An array of "Account" objects.


Executes a transaction operation from "sender" to "target"

  • sender : Integer - Sender account
  • target : Integer - Destination account
  • amount : PASCURRENCY - Coins to be transferred
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload "item" that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of "target" account. Only "target" will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only "sender" will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password

If transaction is successfull will return a JSON Object in "Operation Object" format. Otherwise, will return a JSON-RPC error code with description


Correct example

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"sendto","params":{"sender":1234,"target":5678,"amount":100000,"fee":0.0001,"payload":"444F444F444F","payload_method":"aes","pwd":"MyPassword"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": {
  "optxt":"Transaction Sent to 5678-55",

Error example

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"sendto","params":{"sender":1234,"target":5678,"amount":100000,"fee":0.0001,"payload":"444F444F444F","payload_method":"aes","pwd":"MyPassword"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "error": {
    "code":1002,  // Note: See [Error codes](#error-codes)
  "message":"Private key of sender account 1234 not found in wallet"


Executes a change key operation, changing "account" public key for a new one.
Note that new one public key can be another Wallet public key, or none. When none, it's like a transaction, tranferring account owner to an external owner

  • account : Integer - Account number to change key
  • new_enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING - New public key in encoded format
  • new_b58_pubkey : String - New public key in Base 58 format (the same that Application Wallet exports)
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload "item" that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of "target" account. Only "target" will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only "sender" will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password

If operation is successfull will return a JSON Object in "Operation Object" format. Otherwise, will return a JSON-RPC error code with description

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"changekey","params":{"account":101740,"new_enc_pubkey":"CA02200078D867C93D58C2C46C66667A139543DCF8420D9119B7A0E06197D22A5BBCE5542000EA2E492FD8B90E48AF3D9EF438C6FBEA57C8A8E75889807DE588B490B1D57187","fee":0.0001,"payload":"","payload_method":"none"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": {
  "optxt":"Change Key to secp256k1",

Error example

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"changekey","params":{"account":101740,"new_enc_pubkey":"CA02200078D867C93D58C2C46C66667A139543DCF8420D9119B7A0E06197D22A5BBCE5542000EA2E492FD8B90E48AF3D9EF438C6FBEA57C8A8E75889807DE588B490B1D57187","fee":0.0001,"payload":"","payload_method":"none"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "error": {
    "code":1002,  // Note: See [Error codes](#error-codes)
  "message":"Private key account 101740 not found in wallet"


Executes a change key operation, changing "account" public key for a new one, in multiple accounts Works like changekey

  • accounts : String - List of accounts separated by a comma
  • See all other params from changekey

If operation is successfull will return a JSON Array with Operation object items for each key If operation cannot be made, a JSON-RPC error message is returned


Lists an account for sale (public or private).

  • account_target : Account to be listed
  • account_signer : Account that signs and pays the fee (must have same public key that listed account, or be the same)
  • price: price account can be purchased for
  • seller_account : Account that will receive price amount on sell
  • new_b58_pubkey/new_enc_pubkey: If used, then will be a private sale
  • locked_until_block : Block number until this account will be locked (a locked account cannot execute operations while locked)
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload item that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of target account. Only target will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only sender will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password

If operation is successfull will return an Operation object.


Delist an account for sale.

  • account_target : Account to be delisted
  • account_signer : Account that signs and pays the fee (must have same public key that delisted account, or be the same)
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload item that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of target account. Only target will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only sender will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password

If operation is successfull will return an Operation object.


Buy an account previously listed for sale (public or private).

  • buyer_account : Account number of buyer who is purchasing the account
  • account_to_purchase : Account number being purchased
  • price : Settlement price of account being purchased
  • seller_account : Account of seller, receiving payment
  • new_b58_pubkey/new_enc_pubkey : Post-settlement public key in base58 (or hex) format. Only supply one value.
  • amount : Amount being transferred from buyer_account to seller_account (the settlement). This is a PASCURRENCY value.
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload item that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of target account. Only target will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only sender will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password

If operation is successfull will return an Operation object.


Changes an account Public key, or name, or type value (at least 1 on 3).

  • account_target : Account to be delisted
  • account_signer : Account that signs and pays the fee (must have same public key that target account, or be the same)
  • new_b58_pubkey/new_enc_pubkey: If used, then will change the target account public key
  • new_name: If used, then will change the target account name
  • new_type: If used, then will change the target account type
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload item that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of target account. Only target will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only sender will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password

If operation is successfull will return an Operation object.


Creates and signs a "Send to" operation without checking information and without transfering to the network. It's usefull for "cold wallets" that are off-line (not synchronized with the network) and only holds private keys

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING (optional) - If we want to add a sign operation with other previous operations, here we must put previous rawoperations result
  • sender : Integer - Sender account
  • target : Integer - Target account
  • sender_enc_pubkey or sender_b58_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Public key (in encoded format or b58 format) of the sender account
  • target_enc_pubkey or target_b58_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Public key (in encoded format or b58 format) of the target account
  • last_n_operation : Last value of n_operation obtained with an Account object, for example when called to getaccount
  • amount,fee,payload,payload_method,pwd : Same values that calling sendto

Wallet must be unlocked and sender private key (searched with provided public key) must be in wallet. No other checks are made (no checks for valid target, valid n_operation, valid amount or fee ...) Returns a Raw Operations Object


Correct example

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"signsendto","params":{"rawoperations":"", "sender":1234,"target":5678,"sender_enc_pubkey":"CA0220009D92DFA1D6F8B2CAE31194EE5433EE4AD457AE145C1C67E49A9196EE58A45B9F200046EAF20C0A26A80A7693E71C0222313A0187AFCA838209FF86FB740A4FFF7F0B","target_enc_pubkey":"CA0220001FD6019F7FBFCD9A34491643287402FB0CCB77F2A4F99482ADC11137CDF1FBD6200046924461A9069850A64E48E8EDB9C88764D3A0DC74AF929E335719F8A65B809B","last_n_operation":32,"amount":10.05,"fee":0.0001,"payload":"444F444F444F","payload_method":"aes","pwd":"MyPassword"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": {


Creates and signs a "Change key" operation without checking information and without transfering to the network. It's usefull for "cold wallets" that are off-line (not synchronized with the network) and only holds private keys

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING (optional) - If we want to add a sign operation with other previous operations, here we must put previous rawoperations result
  • account : Integer - Account number to change key
  • old_enc_pubkey or old_b58_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Public key (in encoded format or b58 format) of the account
  • new_enc_pubkey or new_b58_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Public key (in encoded format or b58 format) of the new key for the account
  • last_n_operation : Last value of n_operation obtained with an Account object, for example when called to getaccount
  • fee,payload,payload_method,pwd : Same values that calling changekey

Wallet must be unlocked and private key (searched with provided public key) must be in wallet. No other checks are made (no checks for valid n_operation, valid fee ...) Returns a Raw Operations Object


Signs a List Account For Sale operation useful for offline, cold wallets.

  • account_target : Account to be listed
  • account_signer : Account that signs and pays the fee (must have same public key that listed account, or be the same)
  • price: price account can be purchased for
  • seller_account : Account that will receive price amount on sell
  • new_b58_pubkey/new_enc_pubkey: If used, then will be a private sale
  • locked_until_block : Block number until this account will be locked (a locked account cannot execute operations while locked)
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload item that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of target account. Only target will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only sender will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password
  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING with previous signed operations (optional)
  • signer_b58_pubkey/signer_enc_pubkey : The current public key of account_signer
  • last_n_operation : The current n_operation of signer account

Returns a Raw Operations Object


Signs a List an account for sale (public or private) for cold wallets

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING with previous signed operations (optional)
  • signer_b58_pubkey/signer_enc_pubkey : The current public key of account_signer
  • last_n_operation : The current n_operation of signer account

Returns a Raw Operations Object


Signs a buy operation for cold wallets.

  • buyer_account : Account number of buyer who is purchasing the account
  • account_to_purchase : Account number being purchased
  • price : Settlement price of account being purchased
  • seller_account : Account of seller, receiving payment
  • new_b58_pubkey/new_enc_pubkey : Post-settlement public key in base58 (or hex) format. Only supply one value.
  • amount : Amount being transferred from buyer_account to seller_account (the settlement). This is a PASCURRENCY value.
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload item that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of target account. Only target will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only sender will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password- rawoperations : HEXASTRING with previous signed operations (optional)
  • signer_b58_pubkey/signer_enc_pubkey : The current public key of buyer_account
  • last_n_operation : The current n_operation of buyer account

Returns a Raw Operations Object


Signs a change account info for cold cold wallets.

  • account_target : Account to be delisted
  • account_signer : Account that signs and pays the fee (must have same public key that target account, or be the same)
  • new_b58_pubkey/new_enc_pubkey: If used, then will change the target account public key
  • new_name: If used, then will change the target account name
  • new_type: If used, then will change the target account type
  • fee : PASCURRENCY - Fee of the operation
  • payload : HEXASTRING - Payload item that will be included in this operation
  • payload_method : String - Encode type of the item payload
    • none : Not encoded. Will be visible for everybody
    • dest (default) : Using Public key of target account. Only target will be able to decrypt this payload
    • sender : Using sender Public key. Only sender will be able to decrypt this payload
    • aes : Encrypted data using pwd param
  • pwd : String - Used to encrypt payload with aes as a payload_method. If none equals to empty password
  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING with previous signed operations (optional)
  • signer_b58_pubkey/signer_enc_pubkey : The current public key of account_signer
  • last_n_operation : The current n_operation of signer account

Returns a Raw Operations Object


Returns information stored in a rawoperations param (obtained calling signchangekey or signsendto)

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING

Returns a JSON Array with Operation Object items, one for each operation in rawoperations param. NOTE: Remember that rawoperations are operations that maybe are not correct


Executes operations included in rawopertions param and transfers to the network. Raw operations can include "Send to" oprations or "Change key" operations.

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING

Returns a JSON Array with Operation Object items, one for each operation in rawoperations param.

For each Operation Object item, if there is an error, param valid will be false and param errors will show error description. Otherwise, operation is correct and will contain ophash param


Returns information of the Node in a JSON Object



  • ready : Boolean - Must be true, otherwise Node is not ready to execute operations
  • ready_s : String - Human readable information about ready or not
  • status_s : String - Human readable information about node status... Running, downloading blockchain, discovering servers...
  • port : Integer - Server port
  • locked : Boolean - True when this wallet is locked, false otherwise
  • timestamp : Integer - Timestamp of the Node
  • version : String - Server version
  • netprotocol : JSON Object
    • ver : Integer - Net protocol version
    • ver_a : Integer - Net protocol available
  • blocks : Integer - Blockchain blocks
  • netstats : JSON Object with net information
  • ndeservers : JSON Array with servers candidates
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"nodestatus","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result


Encodes a public key based on params information

  • ec_nid : Integer
    • 714 = secp256k1
    • 715 = secp384r1
    • 729 = secp283k1
    • 716 = secp521r1
  • x : HEXASTRING with x value of public key
  • y : HEXASTRING with y value of public key

Returns a HEXASTRING with encoded public key

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"encodepubkey","params":{"ec_nid":714,"x":"0E60B6F76778CFE8678E30369BA7B2C38D0EC93FC3F39E61468E29FEC39F13BF","y":"572EDE3C44CF00FF86AFF651474D53CCBDF86B953F1ECE5FB8FC7BB6FA16F114"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": "CA0220000E60B6F76778CFE8678E30369BA7B2C38D0EC93FC3F39E61468E29FEC39F13BF2000572EDE3C44CF00FF86AFF651474D53CCBDF86B953F1ECE5FB8FC7BB6FA16F114"


Decodes an encoded public key

  • enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING with encoded public key
  • b58_pubkey String. b58_pubkey is the same value that Application Wallet exports as a public key
    • Note: If use enc_pubkey and b58_pubkey together and is not the same public key, will return an error

Returns a JSON Object with a "Public Key Object"

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"decodepubkey","params":{"enc_pubkey":"CA0220000E60B6F76778CFE8678E30369BA7B2C38D0EC93FC3F39E61468E29FEC39F13BF2000572EDE3C44CF00FF86AFF651474D53CCBDF86B953F1ECE5FB8FC7BB6FA16F114","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "result": {


Encrypt a text "paylad" using "payload_method"

  • payload : HEXASTRING - Text to encrypt in hexadecimal format
  • payload_method : String - Can be one of:
    • none
    • pubkey : Using a Publick Key. Only owner of this private key will be able to read it. Must provide enc_pubkey or b58_pubkey param. See decodepubkey or encodepubkey
    • enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING
    • or
    • b58_pubkey : String
    • aes : Using a Password. Must provide pwd param
    • pwd : String

Returns a HEXASTRING with encrypted payload

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"payloadencrypt","params":{"payload":"444F444F","payload_method":"aes","pwd":"mypassword"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result


Returns a HEXASTRING with decrypted text (a payload) using private keys in the wallet or a list of Passwords (used in "aes" encryption)

  • payload:HEXASTRING - Encrypted data
  • pwds: JSON Array of Strings (optional)
  • result : Boolean
  • enc_payload : HEXASTRING - Same value than param payload sent
  • unenc_payload : String - Unencoded value in readable format (no HEXASTRING)
  • unenc_hexpayload : HEXASTRING - Unencoded value in hexastring
  • payload_method : String - "key" or "pwd"
  • enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING - Encoded public key used to decrypt when method = "key"
  • pwd : String - String value used to decrypt when method = "pwd"


  • If using one of private keys is able to decrypt payload then returns value "key" in payload_method and enc_pubkey contains encoded public key in HEXASTRING
  • If using one of passwords to decrypt payload then returns value "pwd" in payload_method and pwd contains password used
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"payloaddecrypt","params":{"payload":"53616C7465645F5F8312C92E9BFFD6068ADA9F2F7CEA90505B50CE2CAE995C28","pwds":["mypassword","otherpwd"]},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result


Returns a JSON Array with Connection Objects


Creates a new Private key and sotres it on the wallet, returning an enc_pubkey value

  • ec_nid : Integer - One of
    • 714 = secp256k1
    • 715 = secp384r1
    • 729 = secp283k1
    • 716 = secp521r1
  • name : String - Name to alias this new private key

Returns a JSON Object with a "Public Key Object"

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"addnewkey","params":{"ec_nid":729,"name":"My new key"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result


Locks the Wallet if it has a password, otherwise wallet cannot be locked




Returns a Boolean indicating if Wallet is locked. If false that means that Wallet has an empty password and cannot be locked


Unlocks a locked Wallet using "pwd" param

  • pwd : String;

Returns a Boolean indicating if Wallet is unlocked after using pwd password

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"unlock","params":{"pwd":"mypassword"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result


Changes the password of the Wallet. (Must be previously unlocked) Note: If pwd param is empty string, then wallet will be not protected by password

  • pwd : String - New password

Returns a Boolean if Wallet password changed with new pwd password


Valid example

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"setwalletpassword","params":{"pwd":"myNEWpassword"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result

Error example (Wallet password protected)

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"setwalletpassword","params":{"pwd":"myNEWpassword"},"id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
  "message":"Wallet is password protected. Unlock first"


Stops the node and the server. Closes all connections




Boolean "true"

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"stopnode","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result


Starts the node and the server. Starts connection process




Boolean "true"

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"startnode","id":123}' http://localhost:4003

// Result


Signs a digest message using a public key

  • digest : HEXASTRING with the message to sign
  • b58_pubkey or enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING with the public key that will use to sign digest data

(False on error)

  • digest : HEXASTRING with the message to sign
  • enc_pubkey : HESATRING with the public key that used to sign "digest" data
  • signature : HEXASTRING with signature


Verify if a digest message is signed by a public key

  • digest : HEXASTRING with the message to sign
  • b58_pubkey or enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING with the public key that will use to sign digest data
  • signature : HEXASTRING returned by "signmessage" call

(False on error)

  • digest : HEXASTRING with the message to sign
  • enc_pubkey : HESATRING with the public key that used to sign "digest" data
  • signature : HEXASTRING with signature


Adds operations to a multioperation (or creates a new multioperation and adds new operations)

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING (optional) with previous multioperation. If is valid and contains a single multiopertion will add operations to this one, otherwise will generate a NEW MULTIOPERATION
  • auto_n_operation : Boolean - Will fill n_operation (if not provided). Only valid if wallet is ONLINE (no cold wallets)
  • senders : ARRAY of objects that will be Senders of the multioperation
    • account : Integer
    • n_operation : Integer (optional) - if not provided, will use current safebox n_operation+1 value (on online wallets)
    • amount : PASCURRENCY in positive format
    • payload : HEXASTRING
  • receivers : ARRAY of objects that will be Receivers of the multioperation
    • account : Integer
    • amount : PASCURRENCY in positive format
    • payload : HEXASTRING
  • changesinfo : ARRAY of objects that will be accounts executing a changing info
    • account : Integer
    • n_operation : Integer (optional) - if not provided, will use current safebox n_operation+1 value (on online wallets)
    • new_b58_pubkey/new_enc_pubkey: (optional) If provided will update Public key of "account"
    • new_name : STRING (optional) If provided will change account name
    • new_type : Integer (optional) If provided will change account type

If success will return a "MultiOperation Object"

// Request with 2 senders and 2 receivers
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"100","method":"multioperationaddoperation","params":{"senders":[{"account":15,"amount":12.3456},{"account":20,"amount":3.0001}],"receivers":[{"account":21,"amount":10.0099},{"account":22,"amount":11.9999}]}}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
    "rawoperations": "0100000009000000030002000F00000040E20100000000000100000000000000000014000000317500000000000001000000000000000000020016000000BFD4010000000000000015000000038701000000000000000000",


This method will sign a Multioperation found in a "rawoperations", must provide all n_operation info of each signer because can work in cold wallets

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING with 1 multioperation in Raw format
  • accounts_and_keys : ARRAY of objects with info about accounts and public keys to sign
    • account : Integer
    • b58_pubkey or enc_pubkey : HEXASTRING with the public key of the account

If success will return a "MultiOperation Object"

// Request sending account 15 public key to sign a multioperation
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"100","method":"multioperationsignoffline","params":{"rawoperations":"0100000009000000030002000F00000040E20100000000000100000000000000000014000000317500000000000001000000000000000000020016000000BFD4010000000000000015000000038701000000000000000000","accounts_and_keys":[{"account":15,"enc_pubkey":"CA0220009FE05F1E0267A271E08BA4FE8126091CC0A5F9ED40F14AD402327D1C99F8712F2000733D891E0297176524C303F548B0F6789396780C816459281E12797CDD66E90F"}]}}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
    "rawoperations": "0100000009000000030002000F00000040E2010000000000010000000000200074EFFFFCA3D4059C1B1B4A94B1320896B9DBFD8FBDB62274AA1DECF66ABE36A120004CE0374FFBFBF467985E6D9AB52A7DE34CB6E73F76CDBE5D9CC5394AE47D97B114000000317500000000000001000000000000000000020016000000BFD4010000000000000015000000038701000000000000000000",


This method will sign a Multioperation found in a "rawoperations" based on current safebox state public keys

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING with 1 multioperation in Raw format

If success will return a "MultiOperation Object"

// Request sending a multiopration to be signed in an online wallet
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"100","method":"multioperationsignonline","params":{"rawoperations":"0100000009000000030002000F00000040E20100000000000100000000000000000014000000317500000000000001000000000000000000020016000000BFD4010000000000000015000000038701000000000000000000"}}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
    "rawoperations": "0100000009000000030002000F00000040E2010000000000010000000000200042A4A3DF2AE8A2CBB57B3E70505E73F3C982B6EE59FB1D2402A2AF7079BDA0A52000357D428B34D2166E7BB96DE3A61557987B41084B4D69829F0844E6395E4B4192140000003175000000000000010000000000200053BBF3011FB5DDC72CD027A7CABF6A86B802DD89A28B107DE2A10F1073BB4D6320000E5A21111619A544034548BF79526745C4EEBA5972E115E548E7672071BAE818020016000000BFD4010000000000000015000000038701000000000000000000",


This method will delete an operation included in a Raw operations object

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING with Raw Operations Object
  • index : Integer index to be deleted (from 0..count-1 )

If success will return a "Raw Operations Object"

  • rawoperations : HEXASTRING with operations in Raw format
  • operations : Integer
  • amount : PASCURRENCY
// To delete a Raw operations object that has only 1 operation (will result in a NULL operation object)
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"100","method":"operationsdelete","params":{"rawoperations":"0100000009000000030002000F00000040E20100000000000100000000000000000014000000317500000000000001000000000000000000020016000000BFD4010000000000000015000000038701000000000000000000","index":0}}' http://localhost:4003

// Result
    "rawoperations": "00000000"}